Week after week we post articles on all things beauty-everything from finding the right haircare products for your hair type, to the best mascara on the market, to how to achieve the latest in style trends, what haircuts will suit you best, to all the head to toe DIY easy tips for achieving the ultimate in beauty at home. While all these tips are tried and true….sometimes we all overlook the most fundamental basics in our relentless quest for beauty…
And so, in light of the legendary Joan River’s passing yesterday, we thought it is only right to focus on what we think are the two most important tools a woman can have in their arsenal of beauty tips…. Confidence and a sense of humor…
Before we go on and on about why having a sense of humor is important…Let’s start with confidence. If you look up quotes from some of the most beautiful women in history on what makes a person truly beautiful most of them will say something about confidence being the number one attribute that contributes to any woman’s overall beauty. Let’s face it…You can read all the beauty tips in the world, but without possessing some all important self -confidence, you could be just spinning your wheels as you slather on the latest beauty elixir in the hopes of achieving that radiant look:

Of course we are not going to lie and say appearances don’t matter. We all know they do, because that is partly where attraction and connection comes from. Our physical appearance is only one aspect of our overall package ‘though. It is our personality and how we feel about ourselves that plays a more significant role. Happiness, positivity and kindness makes everyone more attractive.
Confidence radiates strength, passion and conviction.
A confident woman is not afraid to be herself. She is highly self-aware, knows all aspects of herself and trusts herself.
She knows that she is beautiful just the way she is, regardless of what the media dictates. And she doesn’t need to look her best to be confident…. but along with self-confidence, a sense of humor is key! A sense of humor is not necessarily the ability to crack jokes the way Joan Rivers did, but having the ability to understand and laugh at a good joke, and having the ability to not take ourselves so seriously all the time, makes us all the more approachable and all the more likeable. Yes it’s true that Joan Rivers had more plastic surgeries than we can count- but she always had a sense of humor about it.

Tupperware in this case, ( no pun intended) is a kind of metaphor for our inner beauty regime…. How well we preserve and care for our inner-selves , meaning how we protect our sense of self-confidence and how we, through humor, maintain a positive mindset will surely determine how attractive we are to the world on the outside….. Just think of Sophia and Joan…..and then…. take the lid off if you will, and let your own confidence and humor shine through!
BTW: Did you know that Tupperware became a household name and a multi-billion dollar business under the leadership of a beautiful confident woman by the name of Brownie Wise?:

Ah, Joan, you are probably making Brownie Wise laugh in heaven as we read this! We here on earth will miss your self-deprecating and caustic wit. Thanks so much for making us laugh! And thanks for teaching us that it’s okay to pursue our beauty goals as long as we don’t forget to laugh at ourselves….
And so.. this weekend, in honor of the indomitable funny lady Joan Rivers, let’s all remember to laugh at ourselves a little… and if you are wondering what this has to do with beauty tips… Here’s the bottom line: Whether you’re telling the joke or just laughing, stand tall! Self-confidence and humor will make you more approachable.(Not to mention the fact that confident, funny women and men reportedly have more sex….).
Until next time…love you, mean it…