Recently I met with a client who has been trying to grow her hair out from a short bob to shoulder length…. She hadn’t been in for any maintenance in well over 4 months, and her hair, while longer, was rather dead looking….not good…..So the topic of this week’s blog is about growing out your hair. Trust us when we say there’s more to the process of growing out your hair than simply skipping trims. So if you are serious about going for longer locks, we have a simple “10 steps game plan” for achieving your goal length….. we really are here to help you!
1. We’ve all heard the seemingly non-sensical ” get a haircut if you want to grow out your hair tip” … but actually, it’s true! If your ends are dry, a haircut may be exactly what you need. Eventually, when your hair is nice and long, you’re not going to want those dry ends anyway. You’ll want your hair to move naturally and to look as healthy as possible. Cutting it is the best way to do that!
*Afraid your hairdresser will cut too much off? When you go in for your next trim, ask your stylist to simply “dust” your ends….
A trained stylist will know what you mean, and you will leave with your length it tact!

2. Anything you can do to reduce heat, tugging, and overly brushing your hair will help it grow faster.
3. Drink Water !!!! If you have a problem remembering to drink enough water everyday, download a free app to track your intake and help remind you when you need another glass or two!…..
4. Your hair needs protein! Protein intake at each meal will not only help make your hair silky and strong, but it will help it grow faster! Fish, eggs, organic chicken, raw protein powder, organic greek yogurt, nuts and seeds~Depending on your diet, choose the ones that work for you and stock up, Rapunzel!
5. Leafy greens are not just great for your body, but they are also great for your hair. Leafy greens are rich in iron, folate, Vitamin E and some B vitamins.
6. Make the switch from a pricey hair masks to coconut oil to moisturize you hair after drying it. Simply put about a dime size amount onto hands and rub them together. Then, comb through you ends ONLY after drying to seal in moisture.
7. If you are one of those people that washes your hair every single day and you are trying to grow your hair out — stop! Washing your hair every single day is actually going to take away all of the natural oils. Wash your hair every other day. If you can’t stand how your hair feels on the days you don’t wash it~ try spritzing a tad of dry shampoo to your scalp before bedtime. ( Ask us for a can of our amazing “Dirty Girl” Dry Shampoo on your next visit!)
8. Argan Oil is simply amazing for your hair~ Use it! You can leave it in and it’s fantastic for your hair. We know we mention this all the time, but that’s only because we know how amazing Argan Oil is~ it helps prevent breakage, and gives your hair an incredible healthy shine. We will say this however, not all argan oils are created equal, so be sure and read the ingredients when shopping for a bottle- some of the so-called argan oil products out there only have a smidgeon of actual argan oil in them… so read your labels carefully!

9. Try tying your hair up in a lose bun or pony.
Tying up your hair causes a better flow of oxygen to the outside of your hair and stimulates the follicles!
1o .Stimulating the hair follicles is most important, so give yourself an awesome scalp massage twice or three times a week for ten or fifteen minutes. You’ll see huge results!
…. and so, in summation: Get a haircut once every 3 months, use good products on your hair. Eat the right foods and lay off the heating tools!! (We can’t stress that part enough)…. And do not shampoo your hair more than 4X a week!
Until next week….Love you, mean it!